Monday, 21 July 2008

Everything Under Control???

Famed racecar driver Mario Andretti once said,
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

Frequently asked questions about NLP

What is NLP?
NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is the science of how the brain codes learning and experience. This coding affects all communication and behavior. It affects how you learn and how you experience the world around you. It is a key to reaching goals and achieving excellence.

Who uses it?
People from all walks of life use NLP personally and professionally. For example:

Businesses can use NLP to foster world-class sales and customer service results -- and to implement organizational change effectively. Educators can study the verbal and nonverbal language of every child to identify how each one learns best. As classrooms become increasingly diverse, NLP skills are becoming more essential. Counselors can help clients become more functional in a shorter time frame. Today's limited insurance coverage makes it crucial to achieve maximum results in minimum time. Medical and Dental Professionals can mitigate patients' fears and anxieties about procedures. This translates to higher client satisfaction.

What will NLP do for me?
NLP is the most well defined and reliable approach to 'running your own mind' for greater satisfaction and ease with far more rapid results.

On the personal side, NLP will enable you to:

Enjoy far greater control and freedom over your own state of mind, responses, and interactions with others. You'll find it much easier to clarify your dreams for the future and identify barriers that may be holding you back. Change the unwanted habits and behaviors that are standing in your way. Understand you partner's and children's needs and communication styles more fully. Enhance rapport and communication with others. Recognize how others are using language to influence you.You'll find it easier to achieve your personal and professional goals, because you'll gain greater access to your internal resources.

How is NLP used in Business?
Coaching, Training, Negotiation, Sales, and Leadership Development are a few of the ways Neuro-Linguistic Programming has been proven effective in business for over 25 years.

keep an eye to learn more on NLP

Let us know your challenges that stopping you from performing!
We will design training outcomes to help your people manifesting higher performance and go beyond of just meeting targets.
Call now at 00357 22454547 or email

Learn how to use NLP to think in different ways; ways that help you bring flexibility and choice into your thoughts and feelings and behaviours.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

What is Neuro-Linquistic Programming (NLP)

This is the place where you can find out how the NLP Epistemology can be beneficial to your business!!! Find out how you can change, modify or delete unwanted behaviour in your business. Find out how you can do that and how you can help your human resource to improve performance and maximise results.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a model about human behaviour and communication, the study of the components of perception and behaviour which makes our experience possible. The name neurolinguistic programming stands for what we maintain to be the basic process used by all human beings to encode, transfer, guide and modify behaviour.

For us behaviour is programmed by combining and sequencing neural system representations sights, sounds, feelings, smells and tastes whether that behaviour involves making a decision throwing a football, smiling at a member of the opposite sex, visualising the spelling of the word or teaching physics. A given input stimulus is processed through a sequence of internal representations, and a specific behavioral outcome is generated.

"Neuro" is derived from the Greek "nevro" for nerve stands for the fundamental belief that all behaviour is the result of neurologigal processes. "Linguistic" ( derived from the Latin lingua from language" indicates that neural processes are represented ,ordered and sequenced into models and strategies through languages and communication systems. "Programming" refers to the process of organising the components of a system (sensory representations in this case) to achieve specific outcomes.